in this battlefield of biodiversity is a beauty that you will never find anywhere else. Beetles that are more ornate and beautiful than the most valuable jewelry, snakes so colorful you’d think a neon sign was slithering through the branches, or so camouflaged that seeing them feels like finally getting your eyes to focus on that magic eye poster you had as a kid.
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What separates a good photographer from a great photographer?
I’m not talking about a photographer with a famous name, or a lot of followers. I’m talking about a photographer who creates great work, and works consistently. A great photographer has to constantly grow with the industry and constantly reevaluate themselves so that they are relevant and well employed…..
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The first thing you see when you arrive in a foreign country is usually a taxi. Whether exiting an airport or crossing a border, it's the taxi drivers that first make contact. The question here, is how much should you be paying? Pay too much, and they'll get used to ripping off uninformed visitors, pay to little and maybe you'll end up in an alley…..
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Getting better at anything is hard work, especially when your ego tells you you’re already an accomplished adventure photographer. To help myself continue to learn how to be a better photographer, I introduced something new to my workflow, and I call it a "Forced Variable." Don't ask me where I got the name, that's just what I ended up calling it.
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